Baja Cove!

.Flutter. ~ Bat Boy Outfit

.Click. Boyish 1

I'm a HUGE fan of superheros, but Batman has to be my all-time favorite. So you can imagine how excited I get when I get a new Batman outfit, or anything to do with Batman! I would buy a Batman bed set, if there were one (Hint, hint). My sister, Libby, got this outfit for me. It's full mesh, and every piece of clothing that you see on me, is included so you don't need to mix and match...unless you want to! Click is having a Spring Sale at the moment (Selected poses less than 50L! Bargain for amazing poses), so I went there with my family and found this pose set for boys. It's called Boyish and has 5 unique animations. You'll see me using most of them in future blogs because I love them so much!

Baja Cove is another sim made by Lauren Bentham (Owner of Everwinter, Baja Norte and Storybrooke). It's a great place for an outing at the beach with your family, or even by yourself. You're not allowed to rez on sim, unless you're in the group and I think the group price is about $250L. The 250L gives you access to rezzing rights to all of her photography sims. I personally think it's a great deal if you're in love with her sims and you love taking photos with your own props. Find the SURL at the end of the photos! Well worth the adventure!


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RPing as twin three year olds discovering life as a TD in the big world of SL. Blogging is our passion as well as our family. If you want to contact us to blog for your store or event, you can contact us in-world: LibbyAnnabelle and/or ChewieCharlie. We are always on the look out for new and exciting releases. Thank you so much for checking out our blog!

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