Joys of Gardening!

Le Petit Fair begins 15th OF MAY! I've been so excited and anxious for this event! Make sure to mark it off on your calenders and go as soon as it's open! I know I will. There are so many amazing designers and bloggers included in this event, and not to mention that the founder is one of the nicest people Libby and I have come across on Second Life. 

As most of you know by now, LIFE2 came out and Libby and I have been busy making our own garden! Today, Libby, momma and I dug up a big patch on the side of the house and we planted our strawberries! I've always been horrible at keeping things alive on Second Life but I solemnly swear that I will take care of my garden!  

One of our favorite stores, Loco.Motion also came out with some amazing new items! I'm completely in-love with this Taco shirt and I'm secretly jealous of Libby's zombie tank top...not the tank top! Just the design...heh.

Here's our strawberry farm! We just planted the ones on the right, but you can see the ones on the left are nearly done! We thought the Loco.Motion sign fitted really well so it's stayin!

Our lemonade urns and snacks! We were pooped after gardening all day so we thought some drinks and some snacks were needed! Look! We even put lettuce to make our parents happy...*puts a star under his name on the 'Good Kid Chart'*

Libby HAD to have the pink one...


Garden Sign: Loco.Motion Chalk board Sign  @ Le Petit Fair (15th May)
Lemonade Holders: Loco.Motion Springtime Lemonade Urns @ Le Petit Fair (15th May)

Shirt: Loco.motion - Taco Bout It (B)  @ Loco.Motion Mainstore
 Jeans: Little Closet - Rolled Jeans - Stone Wash - Baby
Shoes: [Cakepop] Studded High Top Sneaker - White
Pose: Camera-Shy ~ Lazy Loungers (TD Sit 1)

Shorts -  [Little Nerds] Summer Play Clothes - Bear Plaid 
Tank Top - Loco.Motion - Summer Tanks - Response Team Top @ Loco.Motion Mainstore
Accessories:  ToddleTeeZ Wormie Earrings - Rainbow * RARE* Earings and Nose
 Hair: TRUTH HAIR Demelza w/ Bow-  light blondes
Shoes: {ud} Secret Flops B [aztec]

Pose: Camera-Shy ~ Lazy Loungers (TD Sit 2)


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About Libby and Charlie

RPing as twin three year olds discovering life as a TD in the big world of SL. Blogging is our passion as well as our family. If you want to contact us to blog for your store or event, you can contact us in-world: LibbyAnnabelle and/or ChewieCharlie. We are always on the look out for new and exciting releases. Thank you so much for checking out our blog!

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