Catching Frogs Day!

Guess what today is! It's catching frog day...not officially but I'm sure if I write someone a letter they'll make it a day for everyone! To fit the day, ToddleTeeZ came out with this really awesome outfit called Toadally Awesome. I love it and I love green so I was so excited to be given the chance to wear it!

I found one! I may not be quiet but I am fast and I'm ready to bring home a frog to add to my collection of pets...and no, my momma and daddy don't know that I'm getting a new pet...yet.

I caught him or her! I did it! I made sure that my hands were wet before touching the froggy, don't worry! No frogs were harmed during the making of this blog. Scouts honor!

Outfit: ToddleTeeZ Toadally Awesome Outfit (Includes shoes)
Pose 1: .click. Boyish 2
Pose 2,3,4: Camera-Shy - Catching A Frog Pack (Frog included)


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