25c mud pies!

Since I'm going to school now, I decided to start my own business so when I'm finished school, I can start making some money to spend on toys! So I put my brain together and look what I got! Mud pies! and they're only for 25c. Momma said is worth a lot when I'm little like this. 

I didn't get a lotta customers but I think it's 'cause I was out too late and everyone was inside having dinner? but then why wouldn't they buy my mud pies...they could've had it for dinner! I gotta make sure to tell all of my neighbours about them. 

Outfit: ToddleTeeZ CoolCat Red Jacket Shirt B
Shorts: ToddleTeeZ CoolCat Shorts B
Mud pie stall: <:*BoOgErS*:> Wearable Mud Pie Stand RARE
Pose: .click. Boyish 2

This cute boy's outfit from ToddleTeeZ is well-worth the buy. Although I am not wearing the glasses in this blog post, they are included and they do work well with the outfit. 

There's different ones that you can get! I was lucky enough to get the mud pie stall because who wouldn't want a pie for 25c!


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