Back To The Future!

So a lot of you know that there is something new and amazing spreading around the kid grid lately. And that is a new contest called Battle Blogs! Sammy Jo from Soda Pop Shop asked me to show case her super adorable Futuristic outfit! So as soon as I had it on I was ready to hit the road on a search for DeLoreans and crazy men with white hair! ( See below for outfit description and where to pick this up at!)

Imagine my shock and giggletastic surprise when I came across this sort of look-a-like DeLorean. You know I had to pose in front of it with a big grin on my face.

Well after posing and looking so cute in my new outfit I decided to McFly it and take my hover board over water... Welp.. that wasn't such a good idea.... * although the laughter from my brother coming from the safety of dry land would say other wise * 

I thought I was finally starting to get the hang of it when.. OMGAWDS WALL! How do I stop this thing!

Clutching onto my Future Butterfly Jar and trying to flap my wings I made it up and over the wall... I don't think I have ever been so excited to be on solid ground before....

Thank gawds!!!

Soda Pop Shop - Street Princess ( Baby and Kid Sizes) - Exclusive for the Battle Blogs Contest

* Hair - D!va - "Lili" (Moon stone)


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