Who needs shoes?

Storybrooke is a beautiful place to take pictures. You're surrounded by the cutest animals and an amazing environment to take pictures. I decided to put on my overalls and grabbed my dinosaurs so they could come for a walk too.

I'm still tryna' get used to this whole blogging thing! So far, it's been great to have a reason to buy clothes and I've always loved exploring new places. I'm still playing around with Second Life settings and seeing what looks good. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a hair person, when I find hair that looks good, that Libby and I like, it's hard for me to part from it.

Overalls: #Rewind Vintage Overalls - Airplanes [Baby] - Allergic To Pink
Dinosaurs: Soda Pop Shop -  Enchanted Nature Jar - Dream Kids Nature Event
Pose: .Flutter. Cool Boy. 3 - Pose Fair 2015

Hair: *Dura-Boy* 52 (Dark Brown) 


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About Libby and Charlie

RPing as twin three year olds discovering life as a TD in the big world of SL. Blogging is our passion as well as our family. If you want to contact us to blog for your store or event, you can contact us in-world: LibbyAnnabelle and/or ChewieCharlie. We are always on the look out for new and exciting releases. Thank you so much for checking out our blog!

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