Monkey Business

A new place to explore for you all! 
Landmark for the sim and credits for the outfit will be below, past the pictures! Ya know the drill :D

While waiting for my acceptance letter from the new school that Libby and I enrolled in, I went to go exploring on a new sim that a new friend showed me a couple of days ago. So I picked out my new monkey and banana outfit and went on my way and you won't believe what I found! 

On this sim, you will find large stores filled with clothes, accessories and furniture for kids. And get ready for it!

One of the coolest things I've seen on Second Life. A zoo! It's not as big as other zoos, but it's nicely laid out, great animals and still a great place to take your family. I have attached some photos of what it looks like below, but it really should be visited to be experienced. I walked through the zoo, looking at all the animals and I stumbled across a seal. I've never fed a seal before, maybe because I don't like to touch cold fish...but! I was brave and I did! The seal clapped his fins and made that funny noise at us. 

I love the opening of zoos. The feel you get in your stomach and you get all excited! 
When I grow up, I wish I was going to be as tall as a giraffe. Need more go-go juice, momma!
Elephants and zebras! I'm small but I'm not small enough to squeeze through the bars and touch 'em! Maybe if I come back with a
This was the seal that I fed! The one on the right...with the ball! He was really friendly and happy. The penguins didn't really look at me and whenever I tried to touch 'em, they would waddle away

I saved the best picture for last. Piggies! Ya...that's right. It also has a petting zoo! There are other animals there, but the piggies were my favorite. But there were horses, piggies, chickens, goats, sheep and other animals too!

Outfit: *SprinklyWinks* - Monkey Shirt & Shorts
Boots: .Snips & Snails. - Wheat Boots
Pose: {BB} The Scout Outlaw Camp - Tower one - Wave

Landmark To The Sim


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RPing as twin three year olds discovering life as a TD in the big world of SL. Blogging is our passion as well as our family. If you want to contact us to blog for your store or event, you can contact us in-world: LibbyAnnabelle and/or ChewieCharlie. We are always on the look out for new and exciting releases. Thank you so much for checking out our blog!

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